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Quotes About Life

quotes about life
All through human history, leaders and common men alike have made Quotes. Quotes that so often; have inspired other human beings to perform great acts; heroic and noble. These Quotes about Life have been a source of inspiration to so many through times that; one can only marvel at the great minds through which they have been manifested. These quotes of truth, honesty, passion, and humility have made for a better world if not anything more. Be it the likes of the benevolent Mahatma Gandhi or Nobel Literates Such as Barrack Obama. Quotes about life have inspired so many; to do great things, and bring change. And then these men have also made Quotes about life which will result in a better tomorrow for our children.

quotes about life
Quotes about life have been one of the most influential guidance tools for leaders and Citizens of the world. The knowledge and wisdom passed through these quotes are truly great; and we must appreciate their greatness, because at times they are the one's who lead us towards the light when all seems lost. Not only that we can look at these quotes as a way of life; a lifestyle that follows the ideologies and philosophies of the most spiritual and brilliant minds in human history. If religion is Opium, then Quotes about life can be a guiding philosophy for a better future.

quotes about life
Consequently, these Quotes about life also remind us of what we have forgotten. To live life in a simple way. As French philosopher and scholar Jean Jacques Rousseau once said "All beings live long when they live in their natural states." Or simply, we can survive better if we live in a more environmentally friendly manner or a manner which is in a state of equilibrium with nature and its resources.

quotes about life
Human Life is like a river and Human Beings the Boat, and Quotes about life are the fisherman/captains which help the boat cross this river with minimum difficulty. So positive is the influence of these quotes on life that when we follow the footsteps of great leaders, pioneers, and visionaries we seem to find the quotes and the message's they provide very influential in them making the right decisions. This is also the case for a common man who seldom gets excited, and yet makes a difference in life, whilst following the message these Quotes about life provide. And this is all that matters. To be inspired and do something good; for ourselves and our fellow human beings.

quotes about life
Use them as a Tattoo - If you love having a Tattoo on your body, then you might consider putting funny life quotes on your body as a tattoo. You never run out of option as there are countless numbers of funny quotes about life available for you to choose from. In fact, today it is the trend of putting funny and humorous quotes on body. So go ahead, find out some funny quotes on life that represent your inner self and tattoo them on your body.

quotes about life
Read them with your friends and family -It's a great fun and enjoyment to read them sitting with your friends and family. It makes you laugh out loud and at the same time it strong those precious bonds. So next time whenever you are together with your friends or family, consider opening a good website or taking a book containing humorous quotes about life. You'll all really enjoy.

quotes about life
Some of the funny quotes about life are used on a regular basis, and maybe you've even come up with a couple yourself. One thing you'll find is that although funny, these quotes about life are true, and some of them might even make you think!

quotes about life
Most people have heard them, and you've even probably used a couple of them yourself. People use them as their statuses on social web pages as well as wear t-shirts and drink out of coffee mugs that display them. Quotes about life are some of the most popular and well-liked pieces of literature known to man. People can relate to quotes about life because they have real meaning.

quotes about life
Whenever I am in the dumps, one way of cheering myself up is reading comic books. It helps a lot when I can get a good laugh from the books I read. I also love watching comedy TV shows and what makes these comic books and TV shows memorable is the punch lines and quotable quotes. It may seem to be trivial at first but once you dig deeper into them, or you ponder on them, you'll know that they do make sense. I have compiled a couple of funny quotes about life which I have learned lessons from, one way or the other.

quotes about life
These are just a few funny quotes about life that I want to share. These constantly remind me that every cloud has a silver lining. I have my own funny quote too. Life is served hot or cold, for free not sold. Sour, salty, bitter or sweet, so come and get it!!

quotes about life
While we commonly think of quotations as written words, they have been around since before written language and are still frequently passed along in speech, as is the case with old sayings. Some of the earliest printed quotes come from the book of Proverbs in the Bible. Now, in the modern Information Age, it seems that we see wise quotes about life are everywhere: on website headers, bookmarks, magnets, bumper stickers, t-shirts, and sometimes even product packaging.

quotes about life
Not everyone is self motivated; it is only for the gifted few. But lesser mortals need some kind of inspiration in some form, especially in moments of distress. Hence, inspirational quotes about life by famous people have always found a great market. These quotes are good enough not only for the depressed but also for those who want to improve their quality of life.

quotes about life
They say that laughter is the best medicine and I thoroughly agree with this. But the best ways to have a little chuckle is to read some funny quotes about life. Funny quotes about life will make you smile at the very least, and most of the time they will stick in your memory and you can tell others which spread the humor and the smiles.

quotes about life
What is it about funny quotes about life that are so good? Well for a start it's because they are about life in general. They take a fact about life, or a worry, or something that we all take very seriously, and they turn it on its head and point out the lighter side. They are way of expressing that we shouldn't take life too seriously. Life is short after all and to be honest we all should be laughing at every opportunity.

quotes about life
Everyone wants lots of money, respect and fame in life. Each of us likes to achieve success and wish to get reward and recognition for our work. The problem is that it is not an easy to achieve all this but still lots of people have earned it. They think differently and live luxury lives. They buy what they wish for but it is also true that they have grown up from ground level. The only difference between successful and not successful people is, lack of motivation. Many of us fight and struggle to get to the top of the world but after sometime, we feel hopeless. Negative thoughts attack us and we fall down. So it is necessary to get motivation all the way. Short quotes about life are very good way make yourself inspired. It has got one line wise advice and that is enough for inspiring us for success.

quotes about life
It is therefore very important to feed our minds with positive ideas. Quotes about life from great people can be a good source of inspiration to one's soul. Filling our minds with wisdom and insight from people who have gone through life before us can be an extremely worthwhile investment. Great personalities who have years of experience behind them have left behind quotes about life that could be of tremendous value, if we pay heed to them.

quotes about life
Knowledge is the accumulation of facts, whereas wisdom is the ability to apply that knowledge to real life situations. Philosophers and the great men and women of old have given us words of wisdom that we can use to handle life's challenges that confront us. Their quotes about life can educate, motivate and equip us to live our lives successfully.

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quotes about life