love quotes
Love quotes are the insights of people, who like us, have learnt through their experience. Some of these love quotes are universally applicable precious words of wisdom from which lessons can be learnt. And we can continue to share this wisdom from love quotes with people around us so that they can benefit from love quotes too. Just as what Mother Teresa said, "We can do no great things; only small things with great love."

love quotes
Some said, "It is easy to fall in love." However, a lot of us would find expressing the feeling of love a whole lot more challenging than being in love. Are you one of those who experience the challenge too? Love quote makes it a whole lot easier for you to express the feeling of love. Love quotes inspire you to write something beautiful to express the feeling of love. One of the ways to express love is to write a love letter. If you are the creative and poetic type, then writing a love letter is probably effortless. However, if you are ordinary people like me who wants to pen a few lines for our beloved, then love quotes could be of much help. Love quotes help you to rise up to the occasion and fulfill the need of the hour especially when your mind failed to come up with words. One of a few good quotes is, "Love is like playing the piano. First you must learn to play by the rules, and then you must forget the rules and play from your heart.
love quotes
It is said that absence makes the heart grow fonder. This is probably why lovers who are apart spend most of their time thinking about each other. If you are living away from your beloved, then love quotes bring both of you closer at heart. As what Francois de La Rouchefoucauld said, "Absence diminishes small love and increases great ones, as the wind blows out the candle and blows up the bonfire."

love quotes
Love quotes can definitely bring a smile to the face of your family and friends. A few of the sweet and romantic love quotes are by John Clare, "I never saw so sweet a face. As that I stood before. My heart has left it dwelling place and can return no more." by Bill Wilson, "To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world." and by Alfred Lord Tennyson, "If I had a flower for every time I thought of you, I could walk in my garden forever." Use these love quotes to bring a smile to your love ones. You might be surprise too by the effect of these sweet love quotes.
love quotes
Most people would do good with a good love quotes at one time or another especially when they are talking to their loved ones. A good love quote uses at the right time can certainly improve the relationship with your beloved. Love quotes are words of wisdom in relationship. A few very good love quotes about marriage and relationship are by Benjamin Franklin, "Keep your eyes wide open before marriage, and half shut afterwards.", by Theodore M. Hesburgh, "Love isn't blind; it just only sees what matters." and by Donald Laird, "To handle yourself, use your head; to handle others, use your heart."
love quotes
Love quotes are an inspirational source that drives us forward in our life, helping us to stay afloat in rough seas and giving us the courage to pull through difficult times. A few of the inspirational love quotes which I like are: "In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities" by Janos Arnay, "Where there is love, there is life." by Mahatma Gandhi, "Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage." by Lao Tzu and "Who so loves believes the impossible.
love quotes
You can be sure that we have all experienced love at least once in our life's and if not "You Will" but what love can do is unexplainable. When two people are in love they do funny things, like write love quotes to one another or poems. And they also do other strange thing's that they wouldn't normally do when they are not in love. Some of those funny thing's are; Act goofy, Pretend to be ridiculously sweet, call each other funny names such as, hunny, love bug, poopsie pie, butter cup, sugar buns, and all that crazy stuff but to hear those funny words from a person that loves you, feel's so great but coming from just a friend they do seem kind of hilarious.

love quotes
Love quotes are a great way to express yourself to that special person in your life. let's take a look at few love quotes that light up the smile on anyone's face.
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Cute love quotes can also be everyday messages that a couple will send to one another to spice up a day, especially if the stress from work is creeping in. For example, if one says he finds a girl as bright as a sunshine, he does not mean this literally. He is complimenting the girl and giving subtle hints of adoration.
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There will be times when we will be left alone to deal with our own emotions, be it happy or sad. And love quotes are just within reach to nurture these feelings. It makes us grow stronger and steadfast to our beliefs.
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Are you looking for cute romantic love quotes and sayings? Then how about you make your own easily instead of copying it from a random website? Making your own deep, meaningful, romantic quotes is very easy.
love quotes
So are you looking for French love quotes? You know how French is the language of romance. So what can be more romantic than French quotes to express your love to your boyfriend or girlfriend? You may have already told him/her that you love them in English many times. So why not say it in French using cute and sweet love quotations to make it more exciting and fun? Your partner will sure appreciate your creativity.
The good news is, you can simply do a quick search in Google and find a collection of free websites and resources that offer you romantic French romance quotes. You can also see their translations there, so you know what the quote is actually talking about. You can browse through all these love quotes and find the messages you like the most.
love quotes
Love quotes are expressions or words said concerning love that enable people view love in a different perspective. Love is life and we cannot live without it. For this reason, so much has been said and continues to be said about love. We take some of the memorable pieces and keep them to refer to love. They are love quotes and their function is not only to teach but to entertain. The following are some of the most popular quotes in regard to love. The quotes may express love, show regrets of love or even state the various emotions that may be brought up by love. 'In my dreams and our love, there are no impossibilities'. This is a quote that best shows the power of love and the ability it has to move mountains. Many people who have fallen in love report that there is no greater feeling and, you feel as though you can conquer the world with the person you like. There is no doubt that this is one of the quotes that inspires people not to give up looking for love in their lives.
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Other quotes are 'you need money to call someone honey'. This is a quote that shows how materialistic people have become. A lot of value has been placed on having money to facilitate love. This has become worse on the onset of modernity. It is common place for people to choose money over love but, in the end, they will get exactly what they want. We all need love and we all need some materials, when there is no proper balance for this, people end up losing focus of what is important in life. The more you read the many love quotes available, the more you will realize that the amount of wisdom that you have to gain. If you feel philosophical enough, you can come up with your very own quotes; variety will spice up life.

love quotes
Many women including myself like to claim that the male segment of our population knows nothing about love and romance. African men in particular get a lot of criticism for been un-romantic and incapable of expressing their emotions. From personal experience I would say that this is not true, some of the most romantic men I have dated are African. However, what is romance really? I like to define it as the expression of love. In this article I define romance through the use of some of my favorite African love quotes. These African quotes give us a glimpse into African culture and views on life. They are a part of African history and show us that love and the expression of love are universal. So in defense of my romantic African brothers here are some African love sayings, enjoy them and for all the men out there feel free to use them this Valentines Day to show your beloved just how much you care.
love quotes
The best part of happiness lies in the secret heart of a lover. - (African Proverb). This is one of the most romantic love quotes that I have read, it is almost poetic. Here are some more romantic African love quotes that show us love flowers everywhere.
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love quotes

love quotes
The best part of happiness lies in the secret heart of a lover. - (African Proverb). This is one of the most romantic love quotes that I have read, it is almost poetic. Here are some more romantic African love quotes that show us love flowers everywhere.
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love quotes