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dc hair laser removal washington

dc hair laser removal washington

Laser hair reduction works on almost any part of the body, from your legs, arms, upper lips, chin, neck, face, to even your back and shoulders, practically anywhere. New breakthrough laser technology can get rid of unwanted hair, quickly and easily, with proven long-term results.

If you hate shaving, are tired of putting up with painful waxing, tweezing, depilatory creams, and all of the time that removing unwanted hair can take, laser hair reduction may be right for you. Since the laser can treat many hair follicles at once, you get much quicker (and longer lasting) results than other temporary fixes.

The number of treatments range from as little as 4 and up to 8 treatments or more treatments needed for satisfactory hair reduction depending on skin and hair type. Atlantis Medical Wellness Center specializes in all skin types and we have extensive experience in efficiently managing skin of color.